I am unable to log into my account.

Registration and Login

Resolve problems related to Registration and Login on MyAMCAT

I am unable to log into my account.

Please make sure you are entering the correct email address with which you are registered on myamcat.com

If you are still facing issues while logging into your account, try the following solutions:

  • Login using OTP: Visit the myamcat login page and click on Login using OTP, enter your email address and you will receive OTP on your email address. Enter the OTP, set the new password and you will be able to log into your account.
  • Social Account Login: Visit the myamcat login page and click on any social icon (Facebook, Google or LinkedIn) through which you have to authenticate your account once and you will be successfully logged into your account.

Note: If you have given the AMCAT test at your campus, you must have received an email containing the credentials with which you can log in to MyAMCAT.

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