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Get detailed feedback report and job opportunities
- Benchmark yourself nationally against over 1 million candidates who have taken AMCAT aptitude test .
- Get an understanding of your job-fitment! ! The AMCAT feedback report willth offer feedbacks on job profiles where your employability is high and you may call for these positions.
- Improve yourself by working on some of the job profiles where your employability comes out to be low/medium,this way you can understand your skill gap and start studying to improve on these areas immediately.
- To see a sample candidate feedback report Click Here
AMCAT ensures Job opportunities for everyone
- There is no pass or fail in AMCAT and the result of the test is an absolute score which form the basis for multiple job opportunities. Not all job require top scorers and there are jobs for all
- AMCAT ensures equal job opportunities, there is no percentage criteria or college criteria, only criteria is your test score
- Job profiles are available across industry sectors - IT, ITeS, Pharma, Retail, Manufacturing, Finance etc.
- To check out available job opportunities, Click Here
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